Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Why Versa Loves Halloween (And Your Ad Agency Should, Too)

Every Halloween, Versa Creative Group likes to get extra creative. It could be the magical spirit in the air, or the fact that the winner gets a sweet $50 Target gift card. But we think it’s because Halloween is the time of year when everyone gets to show off their creative skills and do a little impromptu acting for the camera. Witness these examples from last year’s epic Halloween contest:

Designer Kyra as Olive Oil & Copywriter Caitlin as Peter Pan

If you’re ad agency hasn’t had a Halloween contest yet, think of the benefits. Everyone gets to come up with their very best creative concepts while celebrating their hard work throughout the year. A themed Halloween contest or a group Halloween costume can be a fun way of boosting office morale. Plus, you could make your group costume extra funny, like this group that imagined what Jersey Shore would look like after 50 years, or these ladies that became enthusiastic social media interns!

If you do run out of ideas, try one of these tried-and-true themes, courtesy of Versa:

*Celebrity Look-Alikes
*Ad Puns
*Famous Victors Throughout History
*Office Impressions
*Food & Drink
*80s and 90s TV
*Flora & Fauna
*Cartoon Characters
*Mad Men Characters
*Bad Jokes/Puns