Thursday, October 4, 2012

Dazzling & Elaborate Ads

The Versa Creative Team is always looking for inspiration and ideas. We often turn to the latest and greatest of wild advertising for innovative approaches to marketing. Ads that break the conventional and disrupt the routines of people's everyday lives stand out and dazzle us. The building signage below may be elaborate, but it literally spills its bold message into the space of the viewer and pedestrian. With the boom of digital and online advertising, it seems like a standard billboard or building sign needs to be doing much more than laying flat against a facade. We just hope that paint isn't still wet.   

An ad like the one below, with it's emphasis on copy and little use of color and image, may have a mere few seconds to engage the reader. The tone and clever use of the "M" cut-out does just that by posing a mini instructional guide to building lasting relationships. While not every reader is going to take the time to mentally cut out the "M" and rotate it until it becomes a "W," revealing the message of the ad, the ones who do may just visit the Stronger Marriage website. Our design team believes this ad would have been more effective had it utilized different typography and perhaps considered a more obvious approach to the message's hierarchy of content. 

An unexpected advertisement is always a hidden gem. Well, it's a least a hidden gem for people immersed in the creative advertising world. Nestle has its hands full against competitor, Mars Incorporated, and because of that, they kicked it up a notch with this bench advertisement for their ever-popular Kit Kat bar. The park bench, a tradition shared across many cultures, calls to the passerby with its bold, chocolate coloring. 

Like park benches, the public transportation system is also rife with advertising possibilities. Many firms opt for more than just a simple tagline or face to deliver their message. We think it's highly likely that a passenger disembarking from the bus below would certainly remember the boa constrictors coiled tightly around them. Word of mouth for the advertised zoo, no doubt, spread like wild fire.