Monday, October 22, 2012

Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks: The Billboard

Billboard placement is one of the most traditional and oldest forms of advertising. With the advent of the digital age and the technological boom, creative advertising firms have had to teach this old dog new tricks in order to stay fresh and competitive. One way they have successfully achieved this has been through creative placement that utilizes space manipulation. When it comes to the three advertising examples below, the message is definitely a product of their environment -- culturally and literally.  

The billboard below (top left hand side) pops out from the building's facade and and breaks the visual plane as it emerges into the rest of the city's skyline space. If anything is a great attention grabber, it's definitely an optical illusion. The accompanying billboard on the right hand side takes advantage of a beautiful backdrop that naturally changes with the position of the sun. Late in the afternoon, the woman's hair glows gold. As sunset approaches, her skin and locks are rosily hued and when it is night, the image is the inverse of the day's cut-out. 

The power of the 3D billboard is not to be taken lightly, as demonstrated by the McDonald's series above. While it may not be everyone's first choice snack during the dead of winter, this little ice cream becomes the star of the winter-scape behind it. The 3D cone progressively grows as the snow piles up.

We would love if you shared unique billboards you remember with us on our Facebook page